Getting Started

How do i register?

Core is responsible for the management and maintenance of the heat and hot water services on the North West Cambridge Development. When you move into your property you will be required to register with Core.

As part of this registration process you will need to sign the Heat Supply Agreement and Registration Form.

Download Heat Supply Agreement for Private Houses

Download Heat Supply Agreement for Private Apartments

Download Heat Registration Form

Incorrect Heat Supply Agreements will not be accepeted as a binding contract and it is imperative to ensure the correct contract is filled in and completed infull.

How do i access my online account?

You can manage your Core account through Vital Glass

Vital Glass allows you to take control of your energy by managing your account online. You'll have no more estimated bills or confusing paperwork and you will find everything you need at your fingertips. Vital Glass allows you to:

Click here to Register for Vital Glass

I’m a landlord and want my tenants to pay their bills – How do I do this?

If you are a landlord it is your responsibility to provide the Heat Supply Agreement and Registration Form to your tenants to sign and return to Core via email. The account for the property will then be created in the tenant’s name and all bills will be sent to that tenant. This process must be repeated for each change of tenancy.

How am i billed?

Core will issue invoices for your heat and hot water usage on a monthly basis. These can either be delivered to you by post or electronically.

How can i pay?

We offer a number of ways to make payment. These include Direct Debit, BACS, online through Vital Glass (, or by telephone. Payment details will be on your bill.

How is my bill calculated?

Invoices are calculated by applying the current tariff to the metered energy use. The invoice also includes a standing charge.

What is my tariff?

There are different tariffs depending on the type of resident you are. Please click on the below tariff document appropriate for your situation.

Download Tariff Document for University tenants on original rental model (prior to May 2018)

Download Tariff Document for University tenants on new rental model (after May 2018)

Download Tariff Document for Private Apartments

Download Tariff Document for Private Houses

Please note retail units are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.

How does the district heating system work?

The centralised heating system at Eddington combines an Energy Centre and a District Heating Network. Hot water is delivered directly to each property from a central shared supply, so that the heat distribution network provides all heating and hot water, without the need for individual gas boilers within the homes.

The main components of the system are

Energy Centre

The Energy Centre is the central location where heat and hot water are generated.

Distribution Network

The Distribution Network is the network of pipes which deliver hot water to each home across the development.

Heat Interface Unit (HIU)

Each home contains a Heat Interface Unit (HIU), which enables individual temperature control and metering of heat and hot water usage.